
Visit us

The best way to see the school in action is to book onto an open morning which last approximately an hour. You will have the opportunity to meet the Head Teacher and the Year Six tour guides show prospective parents around their school giving the best insight into life at Faraday.

Children Jumping with Joy


Once you have decided that Faraday is the right school for your child please follow this link to register. Our Registrar, Stefanie Harvey will be happy to help if you have any queries regarding the form. Please contact her on 0208 965 7374.

Reception Entry

The main point of entry to Faraday is at four years old when children join Reception. We are an academically non-selective school. We don’t have daunting tests for the children joining us in Reception. See our Early Years pupils in action by booking onto an Open Morning.

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Reception Offers

Reception Offers are made in order of date of registration, sixteen months ahead of entry. We invite children to Stay and Play sessions in the spring and summer terms before they join us, so they are settled and ready to begin their school journey at the start of term.

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Occasional Places

We welcome pupils to Faraday who miss out on Reception entry and occasional vacancies can occur in Year 1 and beyond. Our small class sizes and well-qualified staff mean that even pupils joining mid-year, settle in quickly as they join the Faraday community.


Our fees are some of the lowest in London. Full details can be found here.

Where Next?

Visit Us


Visit Us

The best way to experience Faraday is to attend an open morning. Contact us with any questions you might have and we will be delighted to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our school soon.